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Customer story
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ATELIER SHELTER turns customers into an active community

The exclusive experiences provided by L’Atelier Shelter :

Limited product edition
Access to VIP events
Discount and Pre-sales
Private content
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Customer demand over supply
Participation rate in co-creation campaigns
Rewards claim rate

About L'Atelier Shelter

L’Atelier Shelter is a men’s skincare & grooming brand, founded by Antoine Rouvroy, who also co-founded O’Barber Shop. The brand is built around three pillars. Firstly, it offers premium, professional-grade products, used by barbers and other hair and skin professionals. Secondly, it is committed to using eco-friendly and sustainable resources to create products that are ethical, transparent, and only made in France. Last but not least, L’Atelier Shelter is devoted to providing an exceptional customer experience, priding itself in offering products with a strong sense of design and aesthetics.

"At Atelier Shelter, we are committed to going above and beyond for our customers. We wanted them to get as close as possible to L’Atelier Shelter, to invite them behind the scenes of the brand, for them to share experiences that they’ve never had before, while inviting them to directly influence the future of our products.”
Photo de Antoine Rouvroy, Founder


L'Atelier Shelter was looking for an innovative way to create a deep connexion between the brand and its customers. Traditional point-based loyalty programs seemed not fit for purpose nor did community marketing via social media platform. Customers should be much more than simple followers.

To do so, they harnessed the power of Cohort by equipping each one of their customers with a customised membership pass that gave them access to a whole array of experiences and advantages within a dedicated experience space, from co-creation sessions to exclusive content and beyond.

Perks & benefits unlocked

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L’Atelier Shelter’s goal: get closer to its customers

To continue to push the boundaries of how it offers an outstanding experience to its customers, L’Atelier Shelter designed a limited edition collection of skincare products in partnership with street artist Thomas Lateur. This special collection features 55 bottles, each of them numbered and completely unique. Atelier Shelter sought to go beyond a simple release of this new limited skincare collection and leveraged the power of Digital Assets to get even closer to its community.

With Cohort, L’Atelier Shelter was able to generate Digital Assets (Badge) for each and every one of its perfume bottles, providing its holder with a VIP Membership card.

The perks and benefits that the Badge unlock:

  • Access to secret sales, specifically with the design of the limited edition (t-shirt, hoodies…)
  • Invites to events with street artist Thomas Later
  • Lifetime free shipping on the e-shop
  • Opportunity to co-create future products

Why choose a web3 "ready" program ?

By turning its customer accounts into a "web3 ready" experiential space, brands can address two strategic objectives:

Effortlessly forging collaborations between brands and partners united and committed to the Brand initiative. The blockchain makes it simple to create interoperable engagement ecosystems between brands, positioning them as contenders against the walled gardens of retail giants.


Introducing innovative and captivating engagement mechanisms. By activating a dedicated option on the Cohort platform, brands can push the boundaries of their creativity in offering unique experiences through leveraging NFT (digital assets) technology in an intuitive manner free from technological constraints.