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Customer story
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SOCQUE turns customer accounts into a unique engagement space

The Supercharged Customer Account proposed by Socque :

Trigger-based badges and rewards
Community engagement
Eco-system of like minded partners
Omnichannel journeys & phygital products
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Forever Jasper Shoes give access to the program
On the products’ lifetime
annual touch points with clients


Socque is a Parisian house launched in 2021 by Laure and Camille, two friends who share their love for fashion and design. The brand offers timeless pieces, handmade in Portugal in family-owned ateliers and work with some of the most regarded tanneries in Europe. The styles take their inspiration from boyish looks and vintage treasures, and are crafted in natural materials and earthy tones.

"We use Cohort to add a unique space in our customer accounts where we can federate and engage our clients around our brand’s values. In this new space, customers get access to exclusive experiences and services. For example, we offer a repair for life service to our clients. This approach enables us to go further in our commitment to sustainable fashion.”
Photo de Camille Cour, Founder of Socque

Supercharging the Socque Customer Account

At Socque each pair of shoes is created with the aim of providing a sustainable alternative for consumers. The possibility to supercharge the physical product with services enables to go further down the road of sustainability. With this in mind, Socque decided to accompany each pair of shoes from the limited edition Forever Jasper by a digital lucky penny that acts as a warranty certificate of the pair of shoes, accessible from a simple QR code engraved at the back of real lucky pennies which was slipped in the shoes.

Once the digital lucky penny claimed, it became the key to a wide range of experiences, services and rewards directly accessible in  customer accounts on the brand’s website.

Among the rewards clients can find a free repair service in France, redeemable as often as needed, for life. They also have access to exclusive benefits with the brand such as 15% off all styles for the next two years.

Perks & benefits unlocked

Socque can bring back their customers attention back in their brand territory by giving access to exclusive repair services in their customer account enabling Socque to retain customers an indefinite time.

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A new way to improve customer engagement

Customers are more and more aware of sustainable issues and Socque wanted to offer an experience that goes beyond buying a pair of shoes. Cohort helped Socque propose a new way to consume fashion in a sustainable manner in three ways :

  • Bring forward Socque’s engagement for sustainable fashion
  • Federate their community around the brand’s value
  • Create a long term relationship with their customers

Why choose a web3 "ready" program ?

By turning its customer accounts into a "web3 ready" experiential space, Brands addresse two strategic objectives:

Effortlessly forging collaborations between brands and partners united and committed to the brand initiative. The blockchain makes it simple to create interoperable engagement ecosystems between brands, positioning them as contenders against the walled gardens of retail giants.


Introducing innovative and captivating engagement mechanisms. By activating a dedicated option on the Cohort platform, Brands can push the boundaries of their creativity in offering unique experiences through leveraging NFT (digital assets) technology in an intuitive manner free from technological constraints.