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Customer story
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ETAM takes customer engagement to a new level

Etam leveraged its renowned fashion show and exclusive products to craft a unique experience for its customers:

Limited swimwear edition
Access to Etam Live Show
Discount and Addict status
Glimpse of the catwalk
bla bla bla
Customers demand over supply
Purchase frequency for equipped customers
Average basket size increase for equipped customers

About ETAM

Etam is a French lingerie brand— #1 in France– which aims to become the favorite French lingerie brand for women worldwide. For over 100 years, the brand has been using its know-how and innovation to lift up women and make history with them. With 1,035 points of sale in Europe, and more than 1,300 worldwide, Etam continues to spearhead innovation to consistently surprise its customers and reinvent itself

“With Cohort our clients were able to benefit from an exclusive offer mixing physical products and perks with digital experiences. Customers don't want to be just another number in a customer file but they want to enjoy privileged treatment based on their status and loyalty: our initiative with Cohort enabled us to forge a singular relationship between our customers and Etam brand. Our approach of offering more than just a product, but a truly exclusive experience, created a sense of belonging and ownership.”
Photo de Céline Wargnier, Director of Retail Marketing

ADDING experiences WITHIN ETAM Customer Account

Each year Etam live shows are unique opportunities to unveil the centuries-old know-how of its craftspeople.

To present its 2022 Swimwear collection, Etam organized a Cruise Fashion Show in Corsica. At the event, 40 iconic silhouettes were paraded on a catwalk submerged in water.

Cohort supported Etam transpose these 40 silhouettes into unique digital assets to which they added exclusive physical and digital perks.

Each unique digital asset encapsulated the digital and physical elements of the silhouette (stylists' sketches, polaroid of the catwalk, home-delivered swimsuit, etc.) as well as exclusive benefits with the brand.

Perks & benefits unlocked

Etam gained control and knowledge over its customer data and initiated a privileged relationship with each of their customers.

bla bla bla

A new way to improve customer engagement

Etam is always looking for innovative ways to improve the quality of its customer interactions online. The brand decided to launch unique digital assets to create a customer experience beyond the purchasing act and thus forge a privileged relationship and allow its customers to own a chapter of Etam history.

“Our customers were able to benefit from an exclusive experience, mixing the physical with the digital. It was an operation where we pushed ourselves to the limit to revisit customer relationships, through a playful and win/win approach. In a matter of hours, our contest had more than 1,000 participants and the campaign was sold out. It was an incredible first success that only makes us want to replicate it.”
Photo de Céline Wargnier, Communications and Events Manager chez Etam

Why choose a web3 "ready" program ?

By turning its customer accounts into a "web3 ready" experiential space, Etam addresses two strategic objectives:

Effortlessly forging collaborations between brands and partners united and committed to the Etam initiative. The blockchain makes it simple to create interoperable engagement ecosystems between brands, positioning them as contenders against the walled gardens of retail giants.


Introducing innovative and captivating engagement mechanisms. By activating a dedicated option on the Cohort platform, Brands can push the boundaries of their creativity in offering unique experiences through leveraging NFT (digital assets) technology in an intuitive manner free from technological constraints.